Twinlab Brewers Yeast (510g) 啤酒酵母



Twinlab Genuine Brewers Yeast has been recognized as a storehouse of natural nutrients. One heaping tablespoon provides essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. You can spinkle it on food, use it as a seasoning or mix it with milk, juices, soups, gravies, and casseroles. 啤酒酵母含有多種氨基酸、維生素B群、核酸、肌酸等營養素,參與人體重要的生化代謝工作,經常熬夜的人可以多補充啤酒酵母增強體力。 啤酒酵母有加速雷肥新陳代謝,增強體力及免疫力、消除疲勞、中和自由基、提高抗氧化力和維持神經系統的健康等功效。 存在啤酒酵母中的,是磨成粉狀、乾燥的真菌類釀酒酵母細胞,這種形態的酵母已經不會起發酵作用。

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