Organic Mung Bean (1 lb) 有機綠豆



Mung beans can be combined with vegetables and greens to make hearty soups or ground into flour to be used to make crepes or added to breads. Turmeric, cumin, dried ginger and coriander are some spices that work very well with mung beans. 綠豆營養豐富,籽粒含蛋白質20-24%,脂肪0.5-1.5%,碳水化合物及各種礦物質和維生素 綠豆是消暑的飲料,其可製成多種糕點、粉絲、綠豆沙、綠豆粉等且可釀製綠豆燒酒 種子浸水發芽後之綠豆芽可作為蔬菜,如綠豆芽含有豐富的維生素及礦物質

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